Harrow Rethink Support Group

More Than Just A choir is a part of Harrow Rethink Support Group, a registered group of the charity Rethink Mental Illness

Charity Name: National Schizophrenia Fellowship, a company limited by guarantee | Registered in England and Wales, Company Number:   1227970

Registered Address:   89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 1TP  | Registered Charity number: 271028

Who are we?

We are volunteer carers, people who use mental health services and others who are affected by mental illness. We give time to offer advice, help, mutual support, and access to all kinds of information to help everyone affected by mental illness.

We seek to influence local mental health policies on local committees and attend meetings to help improve mental health services.

What do we provide?

A monthly newsletter is distributed electronically and by post. 

A monthly support meeting on the first Wednesday from 6.30pm in Harrow: a warm welcome with speakers on relevant mental health topics and practical issues. Telephone: Jennifer 07761 417879 and Ann 07760 127693.

Don’t Fret, beginners/intermediate guitar group, meets on Sundays from 2 to 4pm in Harrow. Telephone: 07914 373934, Email: patriciaggates@gmail.com

UkeCan, beginners/intermediate ukulele group, meets at Don’t Fret!

More Than Just A Choir {aka Harrow Community Choir}, winner of Lemos & Crane Rise Awards 2011 for excellence in improving the quality of life & wellbeing of mental health service users receiving support in the community, meets on Tuesdays from 6:15 to 9:15pm in Harrow.

Telephone: David 07399 025823 Email: mtjachoir@gmail.com

Munch & Mingle, lunch and chat, meets on 1st or 2nd Friday from 2pm in the Moon and Sixpence, Hatch End. Telephone: Patricia 07914 373 934.   Email: patriciaggates@gmail.com

